Changes to BIS/BES Services

Dear Valued Customer

As part of our commitment to improve simplicity and give you the best value possible, Vodacom will be discontinuing the Blackberry Internet Services (BIS) and Blackberry Enterprise (BES) services for all prepaid, hybrid and contract price plans from the 1st of December 2019. 

Don't worry! You will not be disconnected and all services will remain active by means of buying Vodacom voice and data bundles or upgrading your contract to any of Vodacom price plans.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Why is my BIS\BES service being discontinued? 

    • Vodacom has decided to no longer offer the BIS and BES services to simplify our product and services suite

  2. What alternative service can I use that would provide similar or same benefits?

    • BIS and BES customers will still be able to use Vodacom Voice and Data bundles. 

  3. Are BlackBerry handsets being discontinued due to this?  

    • No, you will still be able to purchase a Blackberry device for cash or on contract.

  4. Can I still use my BlackBerry to browse the internet?  

    • Yes, instead of using the BlackBerry APN they will use the Internet APN.

  5. When will these services be deactivated?   

    • The BIS/BES service will be deactivated on the 30 November 2019 at 23:59pm.